
28 de septiembre de 2010

Mushroom and onion chicken

I'm sorry, I've been a bad blogger. Shame on me. Buuuut, be aware this week I have some very interesting recipes prepared. Besides, this week is extra special because I just started the classes so the challenge becomes real.

But let's begin with a super easy, quick and healthy recipe, shall we? Mushroom and onion chicken. I'll tell you when this works, mushroom and onion chicken is perfect when you have (or want) no time to spent cooking but you know that another sandwich would be wrong.

Start preparing the mushrooms. Of course you can get mushrooms already sliced so you can jump into the next step, if you didn't just follow my lead :)

So, cut the bottoms and cut them in four. 

Clean them after.

Next, add chicken breast halves to a pan and sprinkle some salt and peppa'. By the way, I grease the pan with a bit of oil and with a towel paper I spread it, something I learned from Japanese cuisine. How do you do it?

While chicken cooks, grab an onion, peel it and cut it in half. Then slice each half like if you wanted to do onion rings.

Remove the chicken and add an olive oil spurt and the vegetables. Stir in parsley. When the vegetables are pretty much done, add the chicken so it can take the juices and the smell... yum!

After 3 minutes, serve and enjoy! Maybe some mashed potatoes or broccoli can complete the meal...

Note: not ketchup allowed please. Thank you.

Serves 2
  • 2 skinless and boneless chicken breast halves
  • 1 mushroom tray
  • 1 medium-large onion
  • parsley
  • olive oil
  • salt&pepper
1. Cut mushroom bottoms. Cut mushrooms in 4. Clean them in running water.
2. Add chicken breast halves to a hot pan and cook til each side browned.
3. While chicken cooks, cut onion in thin slices. 
4. Remove chicken from pan, add a spurt of oil and add vegetables. Stir in parsley and add the chicken when mushrooms are tender.
5. Serve immediately and enjoy!


4 comentarios:

  1. Ñam Ñam!!!! Té molt bona pinta Adelota... ^^ Ma entrat una gana k no veas... XD Krek k jo ara tb em fare alguna kosa... XD


    P.D: Tens unes mans precioses! >///<

  2. Buah...té raó la Lia...m'ha entrat molta gana!
    Jo tinc pensat fer un blog de postres però encara no tinc masses receptes...
    A viam quan ens veiem Adela!

  3. Adela per fi he trobat el blog!! Està per suposat a favoritos
    Molt guais les receptes
    ASAP dolços please, que et surten molt bé!
