
3 de septiembre de 2010

Spaghetti with leek and salted ham

Woohoo! First recipe! This is great when you got a bunch of spaghetti and you don’t feel like typical tomato sauce, which is what happened to me today. So... leek and salted ham! 

Start slicing the leek and one wild garlic. Usual garlic can be used instead of wild garlic, I just prefer its taste and it's like having a cute little baby leek... so it's fun.

Cut the salted ham, I use scissors because it's faster. That's the kind of gal I am. Oh, and I take that white fat strip off, it just puts on weight.

Use plenty of ham, it what gives richness to the pasta.

Note: if you can't find salted ham in your local area/supermarket, bacon may work as well.

Then drizzle olive oil into a large skillet and let it get warm, but be careful no to burn it! (olive oil will start steaming if that's the case, we don't want that AT ALL). One trick to know when the oil is hot enough is adding some of the ham into the skillet, if it makes "pssssfff" noises means the oil is ready. Next, add the rest of the ham and fry it. Once it's a little toasty, add the leek and the wild garlic. Mix well together until the vegetables are done, 7 minutes approximately.
Note: if leek and wild garlic are getting brown or toasted, probably it's because the heat is too high. Add some water to solve it, swear it works ;)

Just before the oil disappears, add two tablespoons of bread crumbs. They will absorb the extra oil so the result is more compact on not too oily, duh. Too much bread crumbs though, make the dish too dry and hard to swallow.

By the way, because the ham is already salted we don't need to add salt nor pepper.

Finally, add the spaghetti (boiled meanwhile), combine till they're warmed up and...

 TA-DA!! Bon appétit!

   Say "aaaaah"

Serves 4

  • 400g pasta
  • 2 leek
  • 1 wild garlic
  • 150g salted ham approximately
  • 2 tbsp bread crumbs
  • olive oil

1. Slice leek and wild garlic. Set aside.
2. Cut salted ham in small pieces.
3. Add the ham into a large skillet with some hot olive oil. Fry it.
4. Add the leek and wild garlic, mix till they are done.
5. Add bread crumbs and mix well together.
6. Add the pasta. Combine.

Easy as pie or what?


2 comentarios:

  1. Eiii! M'encanta el teu blog, molt ben explicat i molt gràfiques les fotos! continua aixi!! :)

  2. Merci Diego!
    Espero que et passis de tant en tant i et serveixi en el teu dia a dia!
    un petó!
